Robert A.A. Lowe & Rose Lazar.

I am not going to make a comment on this.. except..

I think this is... JUST beautiful!!.. check em out here.

the more I listen, the more I need. This is fantastic stuff.

Robert A.A Lowe & Rosie Lazar - Suno Vidis.

This reminds me of sharing tracks with Mr K.
(well more him than me) of indian pop music.
This all started with adoring "bombay the hard way"
A Fantastic intro to modern( well pop moderne) indian music.
anyway.. find out more about him here.

Mohammed Rafi - Jaan Pehechaan Ho

This is posted as an oddity, or is it?.. seems that this was from
the people that brought you the "Shimmy Disc label" I have heard
the band name before .. but now has gone back to the annuls of
my L.P collection..
what made me perk up was a reference to canvey (ie: Canvey Island essex). Now since
I have lived on Canvey Island myself.. (back in the black old days)
this made me smile. Anyway.. a curio.. or could have been something more?

I will let you decide.There is a wiki page here. And I got this from here.

Bongwater - Chicken Pussy

This is a nice piece of intelligent pop.
stuff like this really floats me, the same
as bands like The Presets, and Midnight Juggernauts.
This is defo on my music player this month, and the next.
Check em out here, and here. Oh and i got this from here.

Primary 1 and Nina Presson - The Blues.

This is a remix by Aeroplanes, then remixed on top by
Mr. K from The kettle. instead of writing my own blurb,
here is what Mr K said in an email:

"I was listening to some mixes/radio shows online - i heard a remix of a sebastian tellier - but they'd clearly just sped it up .. turning it from a mid-tempo italo/80s remix into an electro disco tune .. so i just sped up my mp3 version and am sending it to you now .. it totally transforms the original REMIX. Really great."

I have a lot of time for Sebastian Tellier, so check out website.
Thanks Mr K for the heads up.. you are one of Culture breads finest
contributors. :)
In fact look at my Disco September month.. to see more Mr K Contributions. 

Sebastian Tellier - kilometer (aeroplane + Kettle mix)

I'm not a Band.

I nearly spat out my coffee when i first heard this
because i thought it was Mark E Smith crooning at me.
But alas no it wasn't, but what i did get was a track
that made me smile.. i am gonna watch out for these guys.
I kinda love em. You can check em out here, and i got this
track from here.

I'm not a Band - Black Horses.

I must be going soft today, as this is the second hippy
drippy track i have posted.. but again i really like this,
it reminds me of the master musicians of joujouka, but
in a more accessible way. you can check em out here.
and i got this track from here.

Teeth Mountain - Keinseien

Now this is a tune i have fallen in love with.. even with
all it's hippy ethos.. I find this strangely pleasing.. and
an oasis of calm (shit now i am sounding like a new age hippy)

you can check em out here and i got this track from here.

Coco Rosie - Rainbowarriors

coeur de pirate – comme des enfants (le matos andy carmichael remix)

This a stunner.. I am full on
french mode today.. and why not? great synths galore.
check em out here.

coeur de pirate – comme des enfants (le matos andy carmichael remix)

This is great.. and after reading a lot about Northern soul.
I feel like some kind of free MP3 god has given me this.
It is quite wonderful! check em out here

Les Edits Du Golem - fever (lulu rouge remix)

This is one nice choon.. the bassline and the sequencers remind
me of "Hot on the heels of love" by Throbbing Gristle.. or maybe not.
Anyway it has a dark edge that i like..and you should like it too.
Check em out here

Filthy Jerks - Bus Gemist (DUB)

Well I am kinda shocked, I got an email from GRUM's Management this morning threatening action at my post of my freebie Grum cd's,
in fact it was........One track .. only one
I posted one track on here. Now here is the thing, i posted one track 
you get the picture ONE TRACK!! coughs.
they seem to think that i posted all of em.. now here on Culture Bread, i only
post tracks that are either sanctioned on other sites as a promo, or i post
third party remixes, the track in question was a remix, and i posted it
because i feel they are a great band and you should have the right to download
ONE track and then go and buy other stuff from them,
when you are next ready to buy a
new cd/download. I really thought I was acting in the bands best interests.

But the powers that be.. ie: Sarah Bowden, their manager, has asked that

i take down the offending track.. and i will.

Ohh the bummer .. that is a person trying to introduce new music, to likeminded people.. has taken a hit to the head.


Another thing , that hit my postbag was a DVD of Decoder,
now, I know this album inside and out.. but have never seen the movie..
but courtesy of "DIL23" I now have it.
I did find the DVD extras was more fascinating than the film itself..
BUT! As a document of the time it is invaluable..
the time of the cold war, and the paranoia .. is still true now..
it is "total war" follow links in this comment.. and look further.
I really enjoyed it.. plus, a good film to watch if you are a einsturzende neubauten
fan.. anyway.. here is a track by Dave Ball, and Genesis P Orridge. From the movie.

Dave Ball & Genesis P Orridge - sex and the married frog



This is the excellent track.. "The Best in class" available
March 1st.. Hold on? I have it here .. err right now :)?? :-D
Nice video as well (tho i really am not a fan of women in bikini
tops! ooh well nice edits, and a cool vid.

This is just for myself, having chills up my spine.. and lamenting.
oohhhhhh... they are fucking great.. hits me every time.

Nuit Blanche

Nuit Blanche from Spy Films on Vimeo.
