FARMACIA - videos and more

Long time associate and good friend, Diego from FARMACIA sent me a nice email and lots of links for some of their videos yesterday.
I first met Diego thru myspace about 2 years ago through the musical offshoot FOLK which incidently I really love.
Eventually via mutual admiration of each others work, I done a remix for them (under my artist name 23creative) for the single "Nada de Nada" as also did bryin Dall. From PTV fame and thee majesty.His mix is the third video.

FARMACIA hail from Buenos Aires, and have quite a following there, I follow their work with much interest, and they have made some remarkable work.. various releases are availible, inc, a track on the brand new "some bizzare sampler vol 2" I really love these guys, and doing the remix was soo much fun, Bryin's is very upbeat,and really sinister.. woohay!.
mine was very spaced out .. and very stoner, wonky!.
anyway!! links abound for them in this text, check em out!!

videos and 23creative remix below.

FARMACIA - Nada de Nada (23creative wobbly mix)


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